250+ Black-Owned Brands To Watch
As an industry, fashion is coming to terms with its racist past. In order to create lasting change and build a more equitable future, it must hire people with more diverse backgrounds and amplify the voices of those who are too often overlooked. Below is a list of 250+ Black-owned brands to buy from now, and in the future.
From streetwear staples to handmade garments steeped in African heritage, there is a Black-owned fashion brand for all of your apparel needs. As always, Black designers are continuing to push culture forward with new, innovative ideas. Designed by Central Saint Martins graduate Mowalola Ogunlesi, Mowalola pushes conventional womenswear boundaries by effortlessly melding the designer’s Nigerian heritage with maximalist glam. In May, Hanifa caught the industry’s attention with what many think will be the future of fashion week. During an entirely virtual fashion show, each garment appeared in 3D against a black backdrop in a show that perfectly leveraged technology and social media. Below is a list of 100+ Black-owned fashion brands to watch.
Shop: https://www.aaushop.com/
Instagram: shopa.au
Shop: https://a-cold-wall.com/
Instagram: acoldwall
Shop: https://www.modaoperandi.com/aliette-ss20
Instagram: alietteny
Aliya Wanek
Shop: https://aliyawanek.com/
Instagram: aliyawanek
All Caps Studio
Shop: https://www.allcapstudio.com/
Instagram: allcapstudio
Andrea Iyamah
Shop: https://www.andreaiyamah.com/
Instagram: andreaiyamah
April & Alex
Shop: https://aprilandalex.co.uk/
Instagram: aprilalexshop
Armando Cabral
Shop: https://shop.armando-cabral.com/
Instagram: armando_cabral
Art Comes First
Shop: https://artcomesfirst.myshopify.com/
Instagram: artcomesfirst
A. Sauvage
Shop: https://asauvage.com/
Instagram: asauvage
Shop: http://www.ashya.co/
Instagram: ashya.co
Instagram: atijostore
Bernard James
Shop: https://bernardjames.com/
Instagram: bernardjames
Bianca Saunders
Shop: https://www.biancasaunders.com/
Instagram: biancasaunders_
Billionaire Boys Club
Shop: https://www.bbcicecream.com/
Instagram: bbcicecream
BLK MKT Vintage
Shop: https://www.blkmktvintage.com/
Instagram: blkmktvintage
Brett Johnson
Shop: https://brettjohnson.co/
Instagram: brettjohnsonco
Bricks & Wood
Shop: https://bricksandwood.us/
Instagram: bricksandwood
Brother Vellies
Shop: https://brothervellies.com/
Instagram: brothervellies
Shop: https://brwnstne.co/
Instagram: brwnstne.co
Shop: https://bychari.com/
Instagram: bychari

Carrots by Anwar Carrots | Bricks & Wood
Carlton Yaito
Shop: https://carltonyaito.com/
Instagram: carltonyaito
Carrots by Anwar Carrots
Shop: https://anwarcarrots.com/
Instagram: carrotsbyanwarcarrots
Christopher John Rogers
Shop: https://www.christopherjohnrogers.com/
Instagram: christopherjohnrogers
Coco & Breezy
Shop: https://cocoandbreezy.com/
Instagram: cocoandbreezy
Cold Laundry
Shop: https://www.coldlaundrystores.com/
Instagram: coldlaundry
Come Back as a Flower
Shop: https://www.cbaaf.org/
Instagram: comebackasaflower
Shop: https://www.cushnie.com/
Instagram: cushnie
Daily Paper
Shop: https://www.dailypaperclothing.com/
Instagram: dailypaper
Shop: https://itsdeathworld.com/
Instagram: soapmanwun
Denim Tears
Shop: https://denimtears.com/
Instagram: denimtears
Shop: https://weardiop.com/
Instagram: weardiop
Duro Olowu
Shop: https://www.duroolowu.com/
Instagram: duroolowu
Earth Toned Collective
Shop: https://earthtonedcollective.com/
Instagram: earthtonedcollective
Eastwood Danso
Shop: https://www.eastwooddanso.com/
Instagram: eastwooddanso
Shop: https://edas.store/
Instagram: __edas
Fear of God
Shop: https://fearofgod.com/
Instagram: fearofgod
Fe Noel
Shop: https://fenoel.com/
Instagram: fenoel
Shop: https://www.geowebstore.com/
Instagram: geo_location
Shop: https://www.grass-fields.com/
Instagram: grass_fields
Shop: https://hanifa.co/
Instagram: hanifaofficial
Heron Preston
Shop: https://www.heronpreston.com/
Instagram: heronpreston
Hope For Flowers
Shop: https://hopeforflowers.com/
Instagram: hopeforflowersbytracyreese
House of Aama
Shop: https://houseofaama.com/
Instagram: houseofaama
Illegal Civ
Shop: https://www.illegalciv.com/
Instagram: illegalciv
Island Tribe
Shop: https://islandtribeusa.com/
Instagram: islandtribe_
Jade Swim
Shop: https://jadeswim.com/
Instagram: jadeswim
Shop: https://www.jibrionline.com/
Instagram: jibrionline
Just Don
Shop: https://justdon.com/
Instagram: justdon
Shop: https://kaicollective.com/
Instagram: kaicollective
Kenneth Ize
Shop: https://www.kennethize.net/
Instagram: kennethize
Kenneth Nicholson
Shop: https://www.kennethnicholson.us/
Instagram: kenneth.nicholson
Kimberly Goldson
Shop: https://kimberlygoldson.com/
Instagram: kimberlygoldson

Brother Vellies | Local European
Label By Three
Shop: https://www.labelbythree.com/
Instagram: labelbythree
LAPP The Brand
Shop: https://www.lappthebrand.com/
Instagram: lappthebrand
LaQuan Smith
Shop: https://laquansmith.com/
Instagram: laquan_smith
Le Beau Monde
Shop: https://shoplebeaumonde.com/
Instagram: shoplebeaumonde
Shop: https://www.lemlem.com/
Instagram: lemlemofficial
Shop: https://www.liberte.co/
Instagram: liberte
Shop: https://www.lenchanteur.co/
Instagram: l_enchanteur
Shop: https://lionneclothing.com/
Instagram: lionneclothing
Local European
Shop: https://localeuropean.com/
Instagram: localeuropean
Maki Oh
Shop: https://www.makioh.com/
Instagram: maki.oh
Martine Ali
Shop: https://www.martineali.com/
Instagram: martineali
Martine Rose
Shop: https://martine-rose.com/
Instagram: martine_rose
Michel Men
Shop: https://www.michelmen.com/
Instagram: michelmendiary
Instagram: mowalola
Nicholas Daley
Shop: http://www.nicholasdaley.net/
Instagram: nicholas_daley
Nubian Skin
Shop: https://www.nubianskin.com/
Instagram: nubianskin
Octave Jewelry
Shop: https://octavejewelry.com/
Instagram: octave_jewelry
Orange Culture
Shop: https://orangeculture.com.ng/
Instagram: orangecultureng
Peju Obasa
Shop: https://www.pejuobasa.com/
Instagram: pejuobasa
Petit Kouraj
Shop: https://www.petitkouraj.com/
Instagram: petitkouraj
Shop: http://www.phlemuns.com/
Instagram: phlemuns
Places + Faces
Shop: https://www.placesplusfaces.com/
Instagram: placesplusfaces
Post Imperial
Shop: https://post-imperial.com/
Instagram: postimperial
Public School
Shop: https://www.publicschoolnyc.com/
Instagram: publicschoolnyc
Pyer Moss
Shop: https://pyermoss.com/
Instagram: pyermoss
Renowned LA
Shop: https://www.renowned.la/
Instagram: renownedla
Resurrect by Night
Shop: https://www.resurrectbynight.com/
Instagram: resurrectbynight
Shop: https://riellibrand.com/
Instagram: riellibrand
Riot Swim
Shop: https://www.riotswim.com/
Instagram: riotswim
Romeo Hunte
Shop: https://www.romeohunte.com/
Instagram: romeohunte

Sincerely Tommy | House of Aama
Sami Miro Vintage
Shop: https://samimirovintage.com/
Instagram: samimirovintage
Savage x Fenty
Shop: https://www.savagex.com/
Instagram: savagexfenty
Sincerely Tommy
Shop: https://sincerelytommy.com/
Instagram: sincerelytommy_
Slashed By Tia
Shop: https://www.slashedbytia.net/
Instagram: tiaadeola
Studio 189
Shop: https://studiooneeightynine.com/
Instagram: studiooneeightynine
Stuzo Clothing
Shop: https://www.stuzoclothing.com/
Instagram: stuzoclothing
Sweats by Sam
Shop: https://sweatsbysam.com/
Instagram: sweatsbysam
Taylor Jay
Shop: https://www.taylorjaycollection.com/
Instagram: shoptaylorjay
Shop: http://www.telfar.net/
Instagram: telfarglobal
Thebe Magugu
Shop: https://www.thebemagugu.com/
Instagram: thebemagugu
Shop: https://theophilio.com/
Instagram: theophilio
The Brooklyn Circus
Shop: https://thebkcircus.com/
Instagram: thebkcircus
The Folklore
Shop: https://www.thefolklore.com/
Instagram: thefolklore
The Good Company
Shop: https://www.97allen.com/
Instagram: thegoodcompany
The Marathon Clothing
Shop: https://www.themarathonclothing.com/
Instagram: themarathonclothing
Third Crown
Shop: https://www.thirdcrown.com/
Instagram: thirdcrown
Tove Studio
Shop: https://tove-studio.com/
Instagram: tovestudio
Two Days Off
Shop: https://www.twodaysoff.com/
Instagram: twodaysoffclothing
Union LA
Shop: https://store.unionlosangeles.com/
Instagram: unionlosangeles
Shop: https://www.vavvoune.com/
Instagram: vavvoune
Victor Glemaud
Shop: https://www.glemaud.com/pages/home
Instagram: glemaud
Shop: https://www.wafflesncream.com/
Instagram: wflsncrm
Wales Bonner
Shop: https://walesbonner.net/
Instagram: walesbonner
Waraire Boswell
Shop: https://waraire.com/
Instagram: waraire___
Washington Ave
Shop: https://shopwashingtonave.com/
Instagram: washingtonave
X of Pentacles
Shop: https://xofpentacles.com/
Instagram: xofpentacles
Shop: https://store.yeezymafia.com/
Instagram: yeezymafia
Shop: https://www.zouxou.com/
Instagram: zouxoushoes
By recognizing and supporting Black-owned brands, we can all help move the beauty industry away from its white-washed, eurocentric past. Beauty should be a celebration of individuality and cater to a wide range of skin tones, hair textures, and aesthetics. The Black-owned brands listed below do just that. Focused on skin wellness, Klur embraces the values of clean, ethical, and inclusive beauty with ingredients and formulations for diverse skin conditions and ethnicities. Mantl and Black Girl Sunscreen cater to niche markets with a history of unmet needs. Co-founded by Karamo Brown of Queer Eye, Mantl offers face and scalp products for bald men, while Black Girl Sunscreen offers natural non-white residue sunscreen for women of color. Below is a list of 100+ Black-owned beauty brands to watch.
4th Ave Market
Shop: https://www.4thavemarket.com/
Instagram: 4thavemarket
54 Thrones
Shop: https://54thrones.com/
Instagram: 54thrones
Aba Love Apothecary
Shop: https://www.abaloveapothecary.com/
Instagram: abaloveapothecary
Ace Beaute
Shop: https://www.acebeaute.com/
Instagram: acebeaute
Adwoa Beauty
Shop: https://www.adwoabeauty.com/
Instagram: adwoabeauty
AJ Crimson
Shop: https://ajcrimson.com/
Instagram: ajcrimson
Alikay Naturals
Shop: https://alikaynaturals.com/
Instagram: alikaynaturals
Anita Grant
Shop: https://anitagrant.com/
Instagram: anitagrant
B.Simone Beauty
Shop: https://www.bsimonebeauty.com/
Instagram: bsimonebeauty
Base Butter
Shop: https://www.basebutter.com/
Instagram: basebutter
Beauty Bakerie
Shop: https://www.beautybakerie.com/
Instagram: beautybakeriemakeup
Shop: https://shop.beautystat.com/
Instagram: beautystat
Beija Flor Naturals
Shop: https://www.beijaflornaturals.com/
Instagram: beijaflornaturals
Beloved Box
Shop: https://belovedbox.co/
Instagram: belovedbox
Beneath Your Mask
Shop: https://beneathyourmask.com/
Instagram: beneathyourmask
Best Life Organics
Shop: https://www.bestlifeorgnx.com/
Instagram: bestlifeorganics
Shop: https://getbevel.com/
Instagram: bevel
Black Girl Sunscreen
Shop: https://www.blackgirlsunscreen.com/
Instagram: blackgirlsunscreen
Black Opal
Shop: https://blackopalbeauty.com/
Instagram: blackopalbeauty
Blade + Bloom
Shop: https://bladeandbloom.com/
Instagram: bladeandbloom
Shop: https://blkgrn.com/
Instagram: blkandgrn
Bomba Curls
Shop: https://bombacurls.com/
Instagram: bombacurls
Bread Beauty Supply
Shop: https://www.breadbeautysupply.com/
Instagram: breadbeautysupply
Shop: https://briogeohair.com/
Instagram: briogeo
Brown and Coconut
Shop: https://brownandcoconut.com/
Instagram: brownandcoconut
Buttah Skincare
Shop: https://www.buttahskin.com/
Instagram: buttahskin
Butter By Keba
Shop: https://butterbykeba.com/
Instagram: butterbykeba

Coloured Raine | Bevel
Shop: https://canviiy.com/
Instagram: canviiy
Catherine Omai Fragrances
Shop: https://www.catherineomai.shop/
Instagram: catherineomai.fragrances
Shop: https://www.ceylonskincare.com/
Instagram: ceylonskincare
Chloe and Chad
Shop: https://www.chloeandchad.com/
Instagram: chloeandchad
Coloured Raine
Shop: https://colouredraine.com/
Instagram: colouredraine
Danessa Myricks Beauty
Shop: https://www.danessamyricksbeauty.com/
Instagram: danessa_myricks
Shop: https://dehiyabeauty.com/
Instagram: dehiyabeauty
Dirt Don’t Hurt
Shop: https://dirtdonthurtme.com/
Instagram: dirtdonthurtme
Epara Skincare
Shop: https://www.eparaskincare.com/
Instagram: eparaskincare
Epi.logic Skincare
Shop: https://www.brooklynfaceandeye.com/shop
Instagram: epi.logic
Essentials by Temi
Shop: https://www.essentialsbytemi.com/
Instagram: essentialsbytemi
Fenty Beauty
Shop: https://www.fentybeauty.com/
Instagram: fentybeauty
Flaunt Body
Shop: https://flauntbody.com/
Instagram: flaunt_body
Frederick Benjamin Grooming
Shop: https://shop.frederickbenjamin.com/
Instagram: fredbgrooming
Free and True Skincare
Shop: https://freeandtrueskincare.com/
Instagram: freeandtrueskincare
Shop: https://gildedbody.com/
Instagram: theartofbodycare
GloGirl Cosmetics
Shop: https://www.glogirlcosmetics.com/
Instagram: glogirlcosmetics
Shop: https://golde.co/
Instagram: golde
Habit Cosmetics
Shop: https://www.habitcosmetics.com/
Instagram: habitcosmetics
Hair of Nature
Shop: https://www.hairofnature.net/
Instagram: hairofnature
Hair Rules
Shop: https://hairrules.com/
Instagram: hairrules
HanaHana Beauty
Shop: https://www.hanahanabeauty.com/
Instagram: hanahana_beauty
Honey Pot
Shop: https://thehoneypot.co/
Instagram: thehoneypotco
Hue Noir
Shop: https://huenoir.com/
Instagram: huenoir
Hyper Skin
Shop: https://gethyperskin.com/
Instagram: gethyperskin
I + I Botanicals
Shop: https://www.iandibotanicals.com/
Instagram: i.and.i.botanicals
Shop: https://www.iyoba.com/
Instagram: iyobahandmade
Janet & Jo
Shop: https://www.janetandjo.com/
Instagram: janetandjo
Juvia’s Place
Shop: https://www.juviasplace.com/
Instagram: juviasplace
Shop: https://www.shopkaike.com/
Instagram: shopkaike
Shop: https://www.kimberlynewyork.com/
Instagram: kimberly_new_york
Shop: https://klur.co/
Instagram: klur.co
Kurly Klips
Shop: https://kurlyklips.com/
Instagram: kurlyklips
Shop: https://www.kushae.com/
Instagram: therealkushae
Lamik Beauty
Shop: https://lamikbeauty.com/
Instagram: lamikbeauty
Latched + Hooked
Shop: https://www.latchedandhooked.com/
Instagram: latchednhooked
Lauren Napier Beauty
Shop: https://www.laurennapier.com/
Instagram: laurennapierbeauty
Shop: https://www.brooklynlimegreen.com/
Instagram: brooklynlimegreen
Lit Brooklyn
Shop: https://www.litbklyn.co/
Instagram: litbklyn
Love Notes
Shop: https://lovenotesfragrances.com/
Instagram: lovenotesllc
Shop: https://lovinah.com/
Instagram: lovinahskincare
Luv Scrub
Shop: https://www.theluvscrub.com/
Instagram: luvscrub
LYS Beauty
Shop: https://lysbeauty.com/
Instagram: lysbeautyofficial

Ode To Self | Oui The People
Shop: https://www.mantlmen.com/
Instagram: mantlmen
Marie Hunter Beauty
Shop: https://www.mariehunterbeauty.com/
Instagram: mariehunterbeauty
Mary Louise Cosmetics
Shop: https://www.mymarylouise.com/
Instagram: marylouisecosmetics
Melanin Haircare
Shop: https://melaninhaircare.com/
Instagram: melaninhaircare
Mented Cosmetics
Shop: https://www.mentedcosmetics.com/
Instagram: mentedcosmetics
Mida Cosmetics
Shop: https://midascosmetics.com/
Instagram: midascosmetics
Mielle Organics
Shop: https://mielleorganics.com/
Instagram: mielleorganics
Mocha Whip
Shop: https://mochawhip.com/
Instagram: heymochawhip
Moisture Love
Shop: https://moisturelove.com/
Instagram: moisturelove
Shop: https://www.movitaorganics.com/
Instagram: movitaorganics
Nash + Pino
Shop: https://nashandpino.com/
Instagram: nashandpino
Shop: https://naturalicious.net/
Instagram: naturalicious_beauty
Naturally London
Shop: https://naturallylondon.com/
Instagram: naturally.london
Naturally Tribal Skincare
Shop: https://naturallytribalgroup.com/
Instagram: naturallytribal
Nature Boy
Shop: https://natureboyproducts.com/
Instagram: natureboyig
Nubian Heritage
Shop: https://www.nubianheritage.com/
Instagram: nubianheritage
Obia Naturals
Shop: https://www.obianaturals.com/
Instagram: obianaturals
Ode To Self
Shop: https://ode-toself.com/
Instagram: odetoselfskincare
Oh Yours Beauty
Shop: https://ohyoursbeauty.com/
Instagram: ohyoursbeauty
Ode To Self
Shop: https://ode-toself.com/
Instagram: odetoselfskincare
Ode To Self
Shop: https://ode-toself.com/
Instagram: odetoselfskincare
Ode To Self
Shop: https://ode-toself.com/
Instagram: odetoselfskincare
Okoko Cosmetics
Shop: https://okokocosmetiques.com/
Instagram: okokocosmetiques
Olori Cosmetics
Instagram: oloricosmetics
One Little Parrot
Shop: https://www.onelittleparrot.com/
Instagram: onelittleparrot
Ooli Beauty
Shop: https://oolibeauty.com/
Instagram: oolibeauty
Organic Bath Co
Shop: https://www.organicbath.co/
Instagram: organicbath
Ornami Skincare
Shop: https://ornamiskincare.com/
Instagram: ornamiskincare
Oui the People
Shop: https://www.ouithepeople.com/
Instagram: ouithepeople
Oyin Handmade
Shop: https://oyinhandmade.com/
Instagram: oyinhandmade
Pat McGrath
Shop: https://www.patmcgrath.com/
Instagram: patmcgrathreal
Shop: https://patternbeauty.com/
Instagram: patternbeauty
Pear Nova
Shop: https://www.pearnova.com/
Instagram: pearnova
Shop: https://pholkbeauty.com/
Instagram: pholkbeauty
Shop: https://www.piperwai.com/
Instagram: piperwai
Plain Jane Beauty
Shop: https://plainjanebeauty.net/
Instagram: plainjanebeauty
Plant Apothecary
Shop: https://plantapothecary.com/
Instagram: plant.apothecary
Play Pits
Shop: https://playpits.com/
Instagram: playpits
Pretty Baby Beauty
Shop: https://prettybabybeauty.com/
Instagram: prettybabybeauty

Klur | Epara Skincare
Qhemet Biologics
Shop: https://www.qhemetbiologics.com/
Instagram: qhemetbiologics
Range Beauty
Shop: https://www.rangebeauty.com/
Instagram: range_beauty
Shop: https://redoux.nyc/
Instagram: redouxnyc
Rose Ingleton MD
Shop: https://www.rosemdskin.com/
Instagram: rosemdskin
Rosen Skincare
Shop: https://www.rosenskincare.com/
Instagram: rosenskincare
Salt Spray Soap Co.
Shop: https://saltspraysoap.com/
Instagram: saltspraysoapbermuda
Satya + Sage
Shop: https://satyasage.com/
Instagram: satyasage
Scotch Porter
Shop: https://www.scotchporter.com/
Instagram: scotchporter
Sensual Candle Co
Shop: https://www.sensualcandle.co/
Instagram: sensualcandleco
Shani Darden
Shop: https://www.shanidarden.com/
Instagram: shanidarden
Shea Radiance
Shop: https://shearadiance.com/
Instagram: shearadiance
Shop: https://www.shedavi.com/
Instagram: shedavi
Skin Buttr
Shop: https://skinbuttr.com/
Instagram: skinbuttr
Skin Deep
Shop: https://skindeepbodycare.com/
Instagram: skindeepbodycare
Sunday || Sunday
Shop: https://mysunday2sunday.com/
Instagram: mysunday2sunday
Tailored Beauty
Shop: https://www.tailoredbeautyproducts.com/
Instagram: tailoredbeauty
The Butter Bar Skincare
Shop: https://www.mybutterbar.com/
Instagram: mybutterbarskin
The Crayon Case
Shop: https://www.thecrayoncase.com/
Instagram: thecrayoncase
The Lip Bar
Shop: https://www.thelipbar.com/
Instagram: thelipbar
Thirteen Lune
Shop: https://thirteenlune.com/
Instagram: thirteenlune
Shop: https://mytopicals.com/
Instagram: topicals
TPH By Taraji
Shop: https://tphbytaraji.com/
Instagram: tphbytaraji
Shop: https://uhaihair.com/
Instagram: uhairhair
Undefined Beauty
Shop: https://un-definedbeauty.com/
Instagram: undefinedbeauty_co
UnSun Cosmetics
Shop: https://www.unsuncosmetics.com/
Instagram: unsuncosmetics
Uoma Beauty
Shop: https://uomabeauty.com/
Instagram: uomabeauty
Vernon François
Shop: https://www.vernonfrancois.com/
Instagram: venronfrancoishair
Woo Me Beauty
Shop: https://www.woomebeauty.com/
Instagram: woomebeauty
Yelle Skincare
Shop: https://yelleskincare.com/
Instagram: yelleskincare
Yubi Beauty
Shop: https://loveyubi.com/
Instagram: yubibeauty
Zandra Beauty
Shop: https://zandrabeauty.com/
Instagram: zandrabeauty
Shop: https://zavies.com/
Instagram: zaviesofficial
For the full report or to learn more about trends that are growing — and dying, please contact hello@trendalytics.co.